Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Happy Thanksgiv-Ming

Nothing says Thanksgiving like Ming Tsai, Ocean Spray and Tropical Fruit.

The cooking philosophy of world-renowned chef Ming Tsai centers on the use of
master recipes to give traditional meals a boost of East-West excitement.

While Ocean Spray shouldn't be faulted for including Ming in their Holiday celebration, didn't the pilgrims travel from west to east? Ming is likely a good dude. However, he has been on my hit list for over 5 years. He served a five course course meal/presentation at my hotel in Hawaii when I was there on my honeymoon. There was no vegetarian alternative so we were shut out.

Oh man. Just when I was giving Ocean Spray a break I did a search of their site for 'vegetarian'. The single hit has the following user-submitted vegetarian "basting"

Tofurkey!As a new vegetarian, I was determined to create a
veggie-friendly meal for my meat-eating clan. What a fiasco! "What the H*LL is
that?" muttered my dad. "Tofurkey!" I announced ... To-tasteless" snarled my teenage son who was highly annoyed. At least I was sane enough to not mess with the cranberry sauce!

Oh thank goodness! Ocean Spray saved Thanksgiving. That lady doesn't need a new turkey, she needs a new family with some manners.

Now say Grace.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vegan-gate or is it Ve-gate

Vegetarian cook books are a dime a dozen. Nonetheless, I was reading a review of a few vegetarian cookbooks and enjoying the write up when I noticed something. Jennifer Cornbleet and Sarah Kramer look a lot alike. Too alike, if you ask me, to be a coincidence.

So I did a search for the two of them on Google trying to find a picture of them together and no results.

So, they are obviously the same person. I bet the raw movement doesn't dig when one of their pundits cooks vegan food. She must be in the raw movement relocation program. Oh man. I just totally outed Jennifer Cornbleet-Kramer. Call the special prosecutor!

Ps. My trick for evaluating a vegetarian cookbook is to look up the Veggie Chili recipe. If the recipe contains one new ingredient or different twist on veggie chili, then consider buying it. Else, it will just be "vegetarain lazagna with mixed vegetables" from cover to cover.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Review: V-Dog Veggie Dog food

The original vegetarian dog food, Happidog from England, is now available
in the USA as V-dog. ...V-dog is a complete high protein, nutritionally balanced food providing all the natural goodness a pet needs in an appetizing and easily digestible form. The
carefully selected ingredients used in V-dog provide a healthy alternative to
meat-based pet foods.

I'm just kidding about the review. I'm not going to eat the stuff.

I don't have a strong opinion one way or another about having a veggie or non-veggie dog. I did browse the health benefits section of the v-dog site.
"A meat free diet can help in cases of sensitive digestions, skin problems and suspected allergies to meat."

Only three possible health benefits.? Dogs seem to really like meat. A lot. A whole bunch. That's a pretty thin lists of reasons to take a dog off meat.