Wednesday, September 21, 2005

September is National Chicken Month!

September is National Chicken Month! There is no better way to celebrate Chicken Month than by visiting It is a site created and sponsored by "individuals in the chicken business".

My favorite feature on the site is the 'advanced' chicken search. It is so advanced that it needed a 'tips'' section so that they could explain to the audience the advancements in chicken search.

"All recipes have been categorized by the chicken part used to prepare the dish. Some recipes use more than one chicken part and are categorize as such. To search for recipes based on chicken part, you can select one or more of the listed parts. Selecting more than one chicken part will not find recipes that contain all of the parts selected.
If more than one part is selected, the results list will include recipes that contain any of the selected parts. For instance, if "Leg" and "Whole" are selected, the ingredients of the resulting list of recipes will include either leg meat or a whole chicken, not necessarily both."

Wow, that is advanced. You need a chicken-parts degree from chicken university to figure out the logic of their search. The sad thing is that I did an advanced chicken parts search on "beaks" and only got one recipe...for Chicken McNuggets (just kidding)

The really suprising thing about is that it is sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Associations. Don't you think those two assoictions would actally be mortal enemies. Isn't the egg asocition like a Pro-life group and the chicken association more like Pro-choice?

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