Nothing says Thanksgiving like Ming Tsai, Ocean Spray and Tropical Fruit.
The cooking philosophy of world-renowned chef Ming Tsai centers on the use of
master recipes to give traditional meals a boost of East-West excitement.While Ocean Spray shouldn't be faulted for including Ming in their Holiday celebration, didn't the pilgrims travel from west to east? Ming is likely a good dude. However, he has been on my hit list for over 5 years. He served a five course course meal/presentation at my hotel in Hawaii when I was there on my honeymoon. There was no vegetarian alternative so we were shut out.
Oh man. Just when I was giving Ocean Spray a break I did a search of their site for 'vegetarian'. The single hit has the following user-submitted vegetarian "basting"
Oh thank goodness! Ocean Spray saved Thanksgiving. That lady doesn't need a new turkey, she needs a new family with some manners.Tofurkey!As a new vegetarian, I was determined to create a
veggie-friendly meal for my meat-eating clan. What a fiasco! "What the H*LL is
that?" muttered my dad. "Tofurkey!" I announced ... To-tasteless" snarled my teenage son who was highly annoyed. At least I was sane enough to not mess with the cranberry sauce!
Now say Grace.
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